
How to Earn Money in Online Poker

Last updated on : 01 Jan, 1970

How to Earn Money in Online Poker

With the ever-increasing popularity of online poker games, players are starting to ask how to earn money in poker India real money. Online poker games are, by all means, easy to grasp - the concepts are easy, the poker rules are easy, the play is fun and thrilling. But, it is certainly not an easy game to master, but it is possible to make money in online poker games. There are plenty of people doing it, but that doesn't mean they didn't face failures and tribulations throughout their quest to the top. After all, poker is a game of uncertainty, but the following tips and information can help your overall poker ventures more profitable.

1. Understand the Poker Game Theory

The most fundamental tip to earn money in online poker games is to get a basic understanding of mathematics, percentages, profitability determinants, and of course, the poker rules. Your efforts to maximize wins and minimize losses can be righteous if you follow this path.

2. Know Your Cards

Winning a battle and winning the war are two very different things. One or two times success in online poker is easy to accomplish, but a constant profit is a daunting task. As mentioned above, online poker is a game of uncertainty and incomplete information, hence the most complicated part of playing online poker games is the "knowing" part. This art of knowing can make you a poker pro. Understanding your cards and knowing which hand to play and which to fold is crucial if you play poker online in India.

3. Holding in Disguise

After learning the art of knowing, now it’s time to master your hiding skills. Here some tips to help you:-

  •  Keep your bet size same with all the hands, making it impossible for opponents to call your bluff
  •  Use the same post-flop action with several of your hand's play, this will throw the opponents off the rail
  •  Play on equal footing with strong and weak hands just to confuse your opponents

4. Simplification is the Key

If you play poker online in India, you know display of emotions is the biggest hurdle standing between you and your winning. You will be tempted to show a reaction, make a big bet if agitated, or bet low if you are sweating to lose, but, if you are smart enough, you can use this phase to pass wrong cues and confuse your opponent. In any case, maintain your patience, keep emotions in check, and take your time to analyze the situation.

Final Advice

Despite all similarities, online poker games are a little different from live poker. While playing live poker games, you know about the person, his/her personality, and you play accordingly. But, in the virtual space when you play poker online, you don't know who the other person is and whether he/she is trying to fake a bluff or not. It’s a game that gives you a clue to know the other person - all you have to do it pay attention. Follow these strategies and you'll be sure to earn a volume of money in no time.

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