
Understanding Pot-Limit Omaha

Last updated on : 01 Jan, 1970

Top Reasons To Learn Pot Limit Omaha Poker

Behind only Texas Holdem Poker in popularity worldwide, Pot-Limit Omaha has a lot of things in common with its famous cousin Holdem. But, Pot-Limit Omaha is a lot like going backward in time and playing 'old-school'. Here are the basics of Pot-Limit Omaha to give you a better understanding of the format.

Double The Cards

In Pot-Limit Omaha, you are dealt four cards instead of two in your hand. Using these two cards and the three community cards (flop, turn, and river) you must make up a standard five-card poker hand. This differs from No-Limit Holdem where you can play zero cards from your hand if you so wish.

Don't Get Carried Away By the Flop

Pocket Aces are the best hand possible. However, while any Aces are technically going to be the best hand pre-flop, don't get carried away after the flop especially if they do not improve. Aces can be outdrawn much easier in PLO than in Texas Holdem.

It Takes A Strong Hand

One final tip to playing PLO better is that it takes a much stronger hand to win in a showdown situation. As players hold onto cards there is a much bigger chance of hitting something big.


Pot-Limit Omaha can seem intimidating, but with these tips and some practice, you can ace it too!

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