
Covid-19 At Quadrific Media

Last updated on : 28 Jan, 2021

As India and Indians prepare for a new normal, our lives including our workplaces are changing. While people remain apprehensive of how restarting life with the virus may affect them, corporates are being extra precautious for their employees. We at Quadrific Media are ensuring that all our employees have the best of facilities available whether they are working from home or are required to come to work.

Work from Home Scenario

All our employees at Quadrific Media have a comfortable work set up at home including desks, printers and other necessities. To ensure faster resolution of tech issues an IT person is also made available for them over the call. There are multiple back-up systems put in for them in case of a system's crash. For better communication among employees, everyday calls with internal teams are made through Microsoft Teams. To ensure that no one is overworked beyond 9-10 hours specific cut-off for working hours is enforced including mandatory holidays. All the extra working hours are duly compensated too. If the work from home situation becomes an invariable feature of the future we will equip ourselves with more facilities so that our employees can continue to work productively.

Human Resources Initiatives

Additionally to avoid monotony at work and reduce stress the HR teams organizes activities every Friday and Saturday. Along with this Art of Living sessions, are also held to alleviate stress and reduce frustrations often being associated with the work from home culture recently. Further online training sessions are also held to help our employees enhance their performance in their respective fields.

Employee Well Being and Security

Despite the difficult economic times, our employees have been ensured financial security. We have still managed to give appraisals to the entire organization. Also, there have been no pay-cuts, on-time salary plus incentives have been followed strictly to avoid inconvenience to them. We at Quadrific Media have also provided for the overall well being of the employees as well as their families. We provide medical and transport assistance to them in case of emergencies. Food essentials are also provided to our employees upon request in case they are restricted at home due to the pandemic.

Post-COVID scenario

We are certain that things can’t go back to absolute normal after the pandemic. To see that our employees stationed in the outskirts of the city are not facing challenges due to extensive travel we will extend the work from home options for them. Travel arrangements whenever feasible will be made for others who are required to travel to work. We will undertake deep sanitization of the office regularly. Masks and gloves will be made compulsory for all employees before and after office. Disinfection tunnels, premium protective masks, gloves and sanitiser in all corners of the office will be made available. Meetings with outside vendors will be avoided.

We at Quadrific Media are happy that we have cracked 95% employee efficiency even as employees continue to work from home. We are confident that our employees will continue to remain equally efficient even if this was to become a permanent set up in the future.

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