
10 Steps to being a Pro Freeroll Poker Player

Last updated on : 20 Jan, 2021

10 Steps to Poker Freerolls

10 Steps to Poker Freerolls

Did you know you can play poker games for free everyday? And you actually don’t need a lot of money to play. Yes, its true! With Spartan Poker, you can play poker games for free everyday and stand a chance to win prize money without a big investment.


Beginners require a field where they can practice the game, enhance their skills, and gain experience by playing live on a worldwide platform. Spartan Poker provides players with poker freeroll tournaments where you have nothing to lose, and everything to win. As the name rightfully says, these are freerolls; meaning, you do not have to invest real money but are still eligible to win the pot. Freerolls tournaments are a great way for beginners to polish themselves while also being able to win big money. Although these tournaments are a great way to get you started with the game, they’re certainly not something for you to look down on as even veteran players do not miss a freeroll opportunity.


Let’s look at the ten steps in which you’ll be able to mater and win at poker freerolls:


1) Choose Wisely


Frequently players make the error in judgement when it comes to freerolls. You need to decide on which tournaments you wish to play in. Many websites, including Spartan Poker offer an array of choices in such games. You will have to pick the one that matches your schedule and decide on if the length of the game and the amount of time you will be putting in will be worth in the end. The decision of playing games simultaneously while freerolling is what you’ll have to make.


2) Go for the Kill


This is a great freeroll tournament strategy! Now that you have decided which poker game you want to play, and if that is freeroll poker, then what are you waiting for? Play all of them available! With no big investment and nothing to lose, it will be a mistake to avoid such a win-win situation. This will get you a better hang of multi-tabling and poker in general. Bonus, you could always win and never lose. So, who cares? Go for all of them.


3) Find the Ideal Freeroll Strategy


When it comes to poker freerolls, it is all about experimenting what you otherwise wouldn’t in high stake games. If it’s a game that you think you stand a chance to win, then play it more tactfully like you would with a tournament where your chips would be on the line. If you think there are too many participants, the pot size is not as big, and that you’re not in the hunt, then you can always take chances and go aggressive. Thus, you can create your freeroll tournament strategy depending on the circumstances.


4) Pay Attention to Dead Stacks


You’ll come across many players who won’t be playing freeroll tournaments as seriously or might not show up at all. Always keep an eye on such dead stack positions because you can easily win their money. And most of all, never be that person yourself. Dedicate yourself to the game entirely to bring yourself to a better position.


5) Vary Your Gameplay


Just as with any other game type, over time, you’ll master the skill of playing freeroll poker. You’ll notice that you’ll become one of the better players because you know the psychology of the table in freeroll games. Once you advance, you might want to stop being radical with your moves like you did while experimenting and play more wisely. Because, you’d now have yourself more invested and spent more time, so might as well get something out of it.


6) Aim for a Solid Start


Freeroll tournaments will have you see players make more bold moves in betting than you would otherwise because here, nothing is on the line. Under such circumstances, it is advised that you too must play your best hands at the top and save the weaker ones for later. Many players will be gone as the game gets deeper and so having yourself at a strong position at the start will ensure more stability towards the end.


7) Be Patient Before Going All-In


The temptation with freeroll games is for players to go All-In early. However, this is not always a good move to make as you could end up losing pretty quickly and for no real reason. If you see many people putting all their chips on the line, wait for it, be patient and do it when you feel it will bring the maximum yield. This is a freeroll strategy that is sure to come in handy at the right moment.


8) Build Your Game

You’ll mostly encounter poker novices in these tournaments, and so it is better if you study their moves and see how they play. The more time you spend on your game while also learning the mistakes from armature players, the better will you perform in real big money tournaments.


9) Get a Hold in the Middle


Many players leave the game after the initial stage being frustrated or lost. Once you’ve had an aggressive start and you’re slowly making your way closer to the post, you can calm yourself and play wisely during the middle stages. This is where many players make reckless decisions, and you can capitalize on them.


10) You Can Bluff


Yes, with freerolls, you can take the chance of bluffing towards the end because that is when many players will be mentally invested. They would have endured long hours and put in genuine efforts to reach the end, so they won’t go down without a fight. This is where if you are sure of your position, you can bluff and force them into making the wrong moves.


Those were 10 of the best points you must keep in mind before attempting your hand at freeroll poker. You’ll find several poker freeroll games available online for you to pick, choose and play. Spartan Poker offers the best freeroll poker experience you can have, along with the smoothest conduct. Practice all that you’ve learnt, head onto our website, or download poker app and get on the table now!

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