
Is Playing Online Poker is Better Than Playing Live Poker?

Last updated on : 20 Jan, 2021

Online Poker vs Live Poker

Poker has been around for over a hundred years, but unfortunately during most of this period, it remained indoors in smoky backrooms of casinos and shady bars. However, since the introduction of online poker, the popularity of the game has increased significantly. Today, playing poker online has so many advantages that the game is enjoyed by poker enthusiasts all over the world.

Here is a list of the top 4 advantages of online poker.

1. Convenience

Online poker is as close as your nearest desktop, laptop, or mobile. No need to drive, park, or take public transportation, or even walk outside your building. There is no waiting line, you can play poker online at the luxury of your own home. There is no need to carry large amounts of cash or buying gas for the car. Just stumble into a comfy chair and fire up your device, and start playing. All you need is an internet connection.


2. Ability to “Multi-table

Online poker has brought something to the table that never existed before virtual reality - The ability to play at more than one table at the same time. This is the biggest advantage of playing poker online. You can make more than one bet at a time, and even if you lose at one table you can win at another and recover your losses.


3. The Inability of Opponents to Read Your Poker Tells

Most players reveal a lot about their poker face by giving 'tells'. You can unconsciously reveal a lot by your actions such as how you physically bet, breathe, talk, hold cards, bluff, and react to certain situations. However, if you play poker online and within the comfort of your own home, these traits become invisible, eliminating a disadvantage you may have faced at a live poker game.


4. Unlimited Poker Action Available 24/7

No matter when you want to play poker online, you can find a table any time of the day. There are several online poker sites that provide 24*7 poker action, seven days a week, and 365 days a year. No matter if you are in Europe, India, China, or the USA, you can unleash unlimited poker action at your own hours.


Poker Takeaway

The aforementioned points are just a few of several advantages of playing internet poker. Now, you have to decide for yourself, is playing poker online free and within the comforts of your home a better option or dragging yourself to a casino or a friends place your preferred choice.

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