Jenga Game

Jenga is a game of skill and strategy. This game challenges the mental and fine motor skills of players. Commonly assumed to be a game of just stacking blocks, the jenga block game helps keep players of all ages engaged in a mental exercise that is fun and exciting. 54 wooden blocks of the same size and shape are stacked into a tower and then players take turns to remove one block at a time without toppling the entire tower down, then they place that same block on top of the entire tower, thus building on the existing structure.

To begin with, stack the wooden blocks into a Jenga tower. Once the Jenga tower is created, the person who stacks the Jenga blocks goes first. On each turn, players remove one block from any level of the tower, and to finish it, they place it on the highest level possible. After that, players take turns moving the pieces about until the Jenga tower collapses. Keep your hand steady while moving the blocks! When the Jenga tower falls fully or if any block falls from the tower, the game is over.

Jenga Board Game

  • Jenga is an indoor game that is played with wooden blocks. Fifty-four wooden blocks of the same shape and size are used to play the Jenga game.
  • These wooden blocks are arranged to make a Jenga tower.
  • Three wooden blocks are arranged to make one layer.
  • A total of eighteen layers make the Jenga tower. 
  • Jenga block game requires certain physical skills. Several players can play the game. Each player removes a wooden block from the Jenga tower.
  • The players aim to carefully remove just one block from the pile.
  • The block that is removed from the Jenga tower is kept aside.
  • As the wooden blocks are removed from the Jenga tower, the structure starts getting unstable.
  • If the wooden tower made with Jenga blocks falls out, then the player who was removing the block and led to the dismantling of the structure loses.
  • The Jenga board game is a great way to improve the concentration skills of the players.
  • It is obvious that when you are removing a wooden block from the heap of blocks, you need to be careful.
  • Your concentration should be exactly on that one wooden block that is going to be removed carefully, without affecting the rest of the blocks.
  • Playing a game of Jenga would surely improve the concentration skills of the players.

Benefits of Playing the Jenga Game

The Jenga block game is a great way to improve the concentration skills of the players. It is obvious that when you are removing a wooden block from the heap of blocks, you need to be careful. Your concentration should be exactly on that one wooden block that is going to be removed carefully, without affecting the rest of the Jenga blocks.

How To Play Jenga Blocks Game?

How to Make a Jenga Tower?

  1. Set Up the Jenga Tower.
  2. Straighten Out the Jenga Tower.
  3. Gather Players Around the Jenga Tower.
  4. Consider Using the Blocks to Write On.

Let us look at the points above in further detail and then learn how to play Jenga ahead.

  1. Set Up the Tower: Shake the Jenga bricks onto a flat area first. Then build the blocks in three-block groups until you have an 18-block tall tower. As per the Jenga rules, each subsequent layer of three parallel blocks should be rotated 90 degrees from the previous layer along the horizontal axis. There should be 54 blocks in your Jenga set. You can still play the game if you don't have all the necessary blocks. Simply construct the Jenga tower as usual.
  • Choose a flat surface.
  • Keep three wooden blocks on the first layer.
  • Next, keep arranging the wooden blocks where you have three blocks in each layer.
  • The Jenga tower is made of 54 blocks. So, if you have three blocks on one layer, then there are going to be a total of eighteen layers in the Jenga tower.
  1. Straighten Out The Jenga Tower: Straighten out the Jenga tower. Make sure the structure is sturdy before you start playing. The layering of the blocks should interlock so that the tower stands tall without the need for external support. Smoothen out the sides using your hands or a flat, sturdy item. Any protruding pieces should be pushed in.
  • No external support is needed for straightening the Jenga tower.
  • The blocks should be arranged in a way that the blocks are interlocked, and stand on their own.
  • Smooth out the sides with your hands or a flat, solid object.
  • Any protruding pieces should be pushed in.
  1. Gather Players Around The Jenga Tower: Players should gather around the Jenga tower. Make sure you have a minimum of two players. Make a circle with everyone around the block building. If you're only playing with one other person, sit on opposite sides of the tower and face one other. There is no set limit for the number of players. However, it may be more enjoyable with fewer people because you will have more opportunities to take turns.
  • Make sure you have a minimum of two players.
  • Make a circle with everyone around the block structure.
  • If you are only playing with one other person, sit on opposite sides of the tower, facing each other.
  • There is no set maximum number of players.
  • However, it may be more enjoyable with fewer people so that you can take more turns.
  1. Consider Using the Blocks to Write On: Write something on each block before stacking the tower: a question, a dare, or any other direction. Then, as normal, shuffle the blocks and stack the Jenga tower. When a person removes a block from the tower, they must complete the task specified on the block. When someone pulls a question from the tower, they are required to answer it.

After knowing the basics of how to play Jenga, have a look at the Jenga rules listed below.

Play the Jenga Game with Rules

  1. Choose a Person to Be the First to Pull the First Block: This may be the person who built the tower, the person whose birthday is approaching, or the person who is most eager to begin.
  2. Remove One of The Blocks: Remove one block from any level of the tower except the top with care. Look for the block that is the loosest, the easiest to remove, or the one that will have the least impact on the tower's stability. Depending on the angle and location in the stack, you can either push or pull the block. Always keep in mind that you can only touch the tower with one hand at a time. This one from the Jenga rules prevents players from pulling their blocks while holding the tower steady.
  3. Stack Each Pulled Brick on Top of The Others: To continue the layering-by-threes pattern, the player who pulled the block places it back on top of the structure. Stack them neatly to keep the tower from collapsing. The tower will rise higher and higher as the game progresses, until it teeters, becomes unstable, and falls.
  4. Play Until the Tower Comes Crashing Down: The individual who causes the tower to fall is the "winner" of the game. Rebuild the tower to restart the Jenga game!

Jenga Strategy

  1. Patience is Required

    Jenga should not be rushed! When it's your turn, take your time and make sure you're pulling the proper block. You're more likely to fall from the tower if you try to go too fast.
  2. Take the Simple Blocks First
  • Gently poke your way around the tower, looking for the sections that can be removed safely. Look for any loose Jenga blocks or those that have previously protruded from the tower.
  • Take care as you go and keep an eye on the structure's general stability.
  • Ensure that the equilibrium is maintained.
  • Three parallel blocks make up each stratum of the tower: two on the outside and one in the middle.
  • You'll be less likely to set the tower off-kilter if you choose a block near the middle.
  • Select blocks from the stack's top or middle.
  • It can be difficult to remove the blocks at the bottom of the tower without seriously undermining them.
  1. Pull or push
  • Try delicately poking a brick through the tower from one side if you're taking it from the center.
  • If you're removing a Jenga block from the edge, pinch the ends between your thumb and fingers, then wiggle the piece back and forth until it comes loose.
  • To remove challenging barriers, use a mix of tapping and wriggling.
  1. To Maintain Equilibrium, Place Pulled Brick
  • After you've taken your block from the stack, pay attention to which way the Jenga tower is tilting.
  • Then, carefully place your block on top so that the additional top-heavy weight does not cause the tower to topple.
  • Alternately, if you think you can get away with it, place your block on the weaker "leaning" side so the following player must work harder to lift a block.
  1. Play to Win
  • You don't want the tower to fall on your turn if you care about the competitive side of the Jenga game.
  • Plan your moves to undermine the structure and cause it to collapse on someone else. Important pieces should be removed from the bottom of the stack, and you should always aim to pick the best piece you can.

Lastly, try to be a good sport. Respect other players and don't go out of your way to sabotage their turns. Others may not want to play with you again if you make the game less enjoyable for them!

Make an Effort to be a Good Sport.

  • Respect other players and don't go out of your way to sabotage their turns. Others may not want to play with you again if you make the game less enjoyable for them!

Variations of Jenga Block Game

Jenga as a game does not have any variations, but there are different types of the same game. The Jenga rules do not vary, but there is just another extra action that players have to take during each of these games that differs from the traditional jenga block game. The most popular variants are:

  1. Jenga Tetris
  2. Jenga Truth and Dare
  3. Jenga Boom
  4. Jenga Xtreme
  5. Jenga Giant
  6. Throw ‘n Go
  7. Jenga Truth and Dare 
  8. Godzilla

Poker vs Jenga Game

  • Poker is a game that is mostly played in the casinos. Nowadays, players are resorting to online casinos to play online poker games. On the flip side, Jenga is a board game. This game is with wooden blocks and is a popular game that requires physical skills and talent.
  • Poker games are available on various online poker platforms, whereas, a Jenga game online can be ordered at home. Though you can only play Jenga physically, Jenga online sets of games can be easily purchased on the internet or you can buy the game from any game store too.

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Jenga Board Game FAQs

Q.1) What are the Jenga rules?

Remove one block from the tower at a time, stacking it on top of the previous one. The game is won by the last player to stack a block without causing the tower to topple!

Q.2) Why is Jenga a good game?

Jenga is an excellent game for enhancing decision-making abilities and hand-eye coordination.

Q.3) How do you play the Jenga game?

Wooden blocks are used to play Jenga. The wooden blocks are arranged to make a Jenga tower. A player removes one block from the tower in every turn. The players aim to remove one block in such a way that the tower is stable.

Q.4) What are the benefits of playing Jenga?

The benefits of playing Jenga are as follow:

  • Jenga improves motor skills.
  • Hand and eye coordination.
  • Strategic thinking.
  • Cognitive performance.
  • Patience.
  • Reduces stress.

Q.5) What does Jenga stand for?

Jenga is derived from the Swahili word Kujenga, which means "to build".

Q.6) How many levels of Jenga are there?

The Jenga block game has 18 levels with 3 blocks on each layer. When the players remove a block from in between the tower, they will then place it on top to start creating the next layer.

Q.7) What are different ways to play Jenga?

There are 5 ways to play Jenga game. 

  1. Play regular jenga- use one hand to play.
  2. Roll a Die- remove as meny blocks as the number your dice rolls.
  3. Build your own tower- Do not use the traditional 3x3 pattern. Stack them however you want.
  4. Make a domino chain- Stack the blocks in a domino so that when one block falls, they all do.
  5. Jenga + Monopoly- Each block you remove gives you $1 Monopoly money.

Q.8) What is not allowed in Jenga?

The only thing not allowed in Jenga is to use both hands during your turn. It is unfair to balance the tower with one hand while you pull out another block with your other hand. Other than that there are very few rules you need to keep in mind when you are playing the jenga block game.

Q.9) Who invented Jenga?

Lslie Scott from East Africa invented the Jenga game. In the 1980’s, she trademarked the name ‘Jenga’ after a Swahili word kujenga which means “to build”. 

Q.10) How long is the longest game of Jenga?

The game where the largest jenga was built lasted a whole of 28 hours where the game started off with a nine-layer tower and was built upto 14 layers after 16 new blocks were placed on top.