
Big Blind vs. Button: How Are They Different?

Last updated on : 28 Jan, 2021

Big Blind vs. Button

Wondering how poker is different from big blind vs. Button? This one should help you out. When novice players get going with poker, they are bombarded with poker rules and strategies, which could often lead to confusion. It would be best if you took it as slow as you can. However, when you learn how to play poker, especially while playing online, you must know about poker actions. Depending on the game's situation, your opponents' behavior, your own strengths, and weaknesses, you will either call, raise, fold, or even check.


These poker actions ultimately decide whether or not you win the pot. The action you make at the table primarily depends on the poker hands that you hold during any given betting round, and it also depends on your poker position. There are a number of poker positions depending on how many players are at the game and the variant you are playing. While playing live, it is easier to understand, and the advantage is clear. However, during online poker, one must stay steadier, not be confused, and play a specific manner. 


Each position comes with its advantages and disadvantages, some more than the others. It is your responsibility as a skillful player to recognize the spot you're at during any point and play as per the mentality that the position you are at demands. Each poker position needs to be dealt with differently and requires unique gameplay styles. Today, we will be looking at the Big Blind and the Button position. Remember, poker positions are not permanent, and they change in a clockwise direction at the end of each round to ensure fairness. With the basics covered, let's get started.


The Big Blind


Poker games require two mandatory bets, namely the big and small blind. These are forced bets, so players from these positions must bear in mind that they will be investing in the pot for sure. Here are some points to bear in mind to assist your big blind play.


  • All players at the table must get a chance to play from the button position and meet the total number of blinds necessary. This could happen either through the 'moving button' or 'dead button'.
  • The Button is meant to be moving forward to the next player while the blinds then adjust accordingly. Remember, you may find more than just one big blind bet. 
  • In the case of the dead button method being used, the big blind is placed by the player whose turn it is, followed by the small blind and button bets accordingly. This is done even if the small blind or Button bets are positioned before an empty seat, which results in the same player playing last in two back-to-back hands. 
  • When playing heads-up with two blinds, the small blind qualifies to be on the Button. 
  • If you are a new player who wishes to let go of the Button by not posting, then you won't be treated like a player who missed a blind. You will be required to post only one big blind upon entering the game. 
  • Also, if you are a new player, you won't be dealt in-between the Button and the big blind. Blinds cannot be randomly placed between the big blind and Button. You will have to wait until the Button passes.  

The Button Position


Composing a button plan is a lot easier than looking for a big blind strategy. This is because, universally, all poker players would agree that the Button is the most favorable position to play from at the poker table. Being on the Button or 'buck' refers to being positioned to the right of the small and big blind positions. Playing from the Button is very advantageous as you get to act the last in hand, and you should know how to make the most of it.


In live poker, usually, there would be a physical dealer in the button position. However, with virtual poker, the button changes with each round. Having to see all the action unfold before your turn arrives is a luxury in poker. You have ample time to decide your next move, and you don't need to panic about strategies much. Let us now take a look at a couple of points regarding Button and big bland play.

  • If you draw for the Button, you will be considered as part of the game, and hence, you will have to make up for the blinds you missed.
  • As a new player, you won't have to post a blind until the Button makes a complete revolution around the table only if the blind has not passed your position.


Knowing different table positions and learning how they connect is always a good way forward with poker. Understanding the mindsets each of these demands and designing your play accordingly is one of the best decisions you can make at a poker table. We hope this article gave you some important information regarding the button and blind position and how to work in unison. Follow our page and play through poker online to learn more interesting insights.

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