Business Game

A business game is a type of simulation game that is used to educate business concepts. Business games can be used for a variety of purposes, including general management, finance, organizational behavior, human resources, and so on. Another word for the business game is "business simulation". Business games are utilized as a teaching tool at colleges and, more specifically, business schools, as well as in executive education.

What is a Business Game?

Simply said, the business game is an efficient combination of:

  • People.
  • Resources, and.
  • Processes that result in a product that customers value and purchase.

The goal is to provide participants with a simulated real-life experience. Since every firm must remain competitive, business games are frequently competitive and have short periods, allowing the outcome of decisions and policies to be seen.

History of Business Games

  • Military war games inspired computer-assisted business simulation, which first appeared in the late 1950s.
  • Since then, business simulation games, such as non-computerized board games and experiential activities, have been used to teach management.
  • The international business game is frequently used at universities, especially by big business schools.
  • Business games were inspired by tests conducted by the US Army in the 1950s to train its soldiers.
  • By the 1960s, some colleges had introduced international business board game into their economics and business departments, where students were taught through board games and experiential exercises.
  • Video games eventually took their place and continue to evolve, infiltrating educational institutions like Harvard and industries like Coca-Cola.
  • Business games are designed to educate skills and concepts in economics and the business world.
  • This could include information on corporate or business management, finances, human resources, negotiations, or stock market trading.

Business Board Game

The so-called business games have gained a lot of traction. Video games have become the ideal medium for teaching how to launch a business or manage product supply networks, whether at prestigious institutions or huge multinational corporations.

While this is all well and good, what precisely are business games? What are the most notable advantages and examples?

The majority of these games use simulators to simulate real-life situations and emphasize hands-on learning. Business games are sometimes referred to as business simulation games.

Business Game Examples

Despite being a bit of an oddity at first, there is now an immense quantity of business games on the market. Only four of the most important ones are listed below:

  1. Capitalism
  • This video game, which was first released in 1995, quickly became a business gaming classic.
  • Capitalism, which is used at Harvard and Stanford, helps students comprehend and address the issues faced by practically every organization and sector:
  1. Marketing.
  2. Distribution.
  3. Manufacturing.
  4. Import/export.
  • Capitalism Lab, the most recent version, was launched in 2012.
  1. Beer Distribution Game
  • This game was created by the business school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) near the end of the 1960s.
  • This game has been reinterpreted and revised numerous times.
  • It was created to teach all of the secrets of supply and distribution systems, with cost overruns, delays, and multiple suppliers.
  1. SimCity
  • The process of developing and administering a city is the focus of this renowned video game.
  • Players must construct transportation and utilities such as:
  1. Water.
  2. Power.
  3. Sanitation.
  4. Education.
  • Simultaneously, they should: fine-tune their finances increasing or lowering taxes, modifying budgeted items, and so on, to meet the requirements of their inhabitants.
  • Cities: Skylines is a comparable, critically regarded game.
  1. Merchants
  • The players of this commercial game are transported to medieval Venice to participate in several "actual" talks involving the shipment of products, the silk trade, and the control of several Mediterranean islands.
  • This video game teaches all of the secrets and strategies of negotiating and has been a huge hit in businesses all around the world.

Best Business Game to Play for Kids

Do you have a potential entrepreneur on your hands or pupils that want to learn more about business? You can make them play business games for kids. You might want to gradually convey these principles to your youngster if they don't seem to have any real-world business sense.

A free business game online for high school and middle school students is an excellent approach to introduce children to the workings of a corporation. And what about corporate board games? They are also fantastic for business education and lessons. It does not matter where your child stands in terms of business knowledge; these eleven best business games will both introduce and shape their grasp of several essential business principles.

  1. Zapitalism.
  2. Gazillionaire.
  3. Marty Raygun’s Fistful of Dollars.
  4. Cookie Tycoon.
  5. Business is Blooming.
  6. Refund Rush.
  7. Farm Blitz.
  8. CA$HFLOW for Kids.
  9. Lemonade Stand – The Game.
  10. Ice Cream Empire.
  11. Mystic Market.
  12. Monopoly.

The twelve games are discussed in detail below.

  1. Zapiltalism
  • For: Middle and high school students.
  • The goal of the game is to become the island's richest company owner, or the first individual to reach 5,000,000 zables.
  1. Gazillionaire
  • For: Middle and high school students.
  • Start a tiny business and grow it to the point where you are a trading tycoon.
  1. Marty Raygun’s Fistful of Dollars
  • For: Middle and high school students.
  • Keep your monthly business cash flow in check while increasing the firm's value as much as possible. Do not declare bankruptcy and always keep money in your business bank account.
  1. Cookie Tycoon
  • The appropriate age: The game is appropriate for all ages.
  • 1 player is involved.
  • In this kid's business game, your youngster gets to manage employees at their burgeoning cookie bakery.
  • Not only that, but they can receive direct input from customers and make decisions based on it.
  1. Business in Blooming
  • The appropriate age: The game is appropriate for all ages.
  • 1 player is involved.
  • Your child oversees the flower business in this game.
  • It is their responsibility as the employer to choose the appropriate flowers for the bouquet following the order.
  • The faster they can manufacture bouquets, the more orders they can fill, and thus the more money the company makes.
  1. Refund Rush
  • Age Range Suggested for Refund Rush: N/A.
  • 1 player is involved.
  • As consumers approach the cash register, the player can view their financial profile, which contains information such as financial goals, age, and the amount of their tax refund.
  1. Farm Blitz
  • The appropriate age: Adult, however, I believe it would be appropriate for teenagers.
  • 1 player is involved.
  • The player has just inherited a farm from a deceased relative.
  • Unfortunately, you had to take out a loan to keep things running.
  • You must now create a profit to repay this loan, as well as set aside some money for the future!
  • It also emphasizes the importance of being prepared for unforeseeable natural disasters.
  1. CA$HFLOW for Kids
  • 6+ years is the appropriate age.
  • Players: 2 to 6 people.
  • This game is all about investing as much as possible in assets while limiting your liabilities to a minimum.
  1. Lemonade Stand
  • For: Lemonade Stand is a game for kids aged 6 and up.
  • Players: 2-4 people.
  • After paying back the $20 + $5 initial charges, the youngster with the most money wins.
  • Your child can act as if he or she is a lemonade stand owner.
  • To begin, each player will have to invest money, much like in a real business.
  • To get started, they'll need to take out a $20 bank loan and payout $2.
  • The goal of the game is to have the most money in the end, but only after each participant has paid back their $20 loan plus $5 in interest.
  1. Ice Cream Empire
  • For: 7+ years is the appropriate age.
  • Players: 2 to 4 people.
  • The goal of the game is to be the first to construct eight different ice cream stores, thus establishing your ice cream empire!
  1. Mystic Market
  • The appropriate age for Mystic Market is 10 years and up.
  • Players: 2 to 4 people.
  • The winner is the child with the most money, indicating that they made the most money from the potions they created and sold.
  1. Monopoly
    Monopoly can teach your youngster some valuable business principles as well as fundamental personal financial concepts.

Let us have a look at the business game rules below.

Business Game Rules

Many people want to know how to play business games and knowing how to do so will put a player ahead of the competition. The Business Game is like the popular board game Monopoly in terms of gameplay. As the name implies, business is all about making the correct decisions at the right time, and players must be steadfast in their strategy to win the game. Learn more about how to play business games and the business game rules that apply to them below.

What Is The Best Way To Play A Business Game?

  • The Business game is similar to Monopoly in that it has its own set of rules, regulations, and conditions, just like any other game.
  • During the epidemic, when the lockdown was enacted, this game grew even more popular.
  • This was one of the games that kept everyone active while also strengthening their bonds with one another.
  • To improve our chances of winning the game, we must devise a strategy.
  • To win a business game, participants must make a lot of solid decisions and have good decision-making abilities.
  • Last but not least, luck plays a significant role in winning the business game.
  • Depending on one's tastes, one can stick to the original rules or experiment with other strategies, but they must stay inside the game's framework.


  • Each city is a property in the game.
  • If a player reaches a city but does not buy it or cannot afford it, the city will be auctioned to the highest bidder by the banker player.
  • It will remain unsold if no one wants to buy it.
  • The cost of living in each city is listed on the board.
  • The winning approach in this game is to be able to buy everything no matter where the player falls.
  • It is all about knowing how to make the proper decisions and run a successful business.
  • When a player lands on a property that is owned or purchased by another player, the player must pay rent to the property owner.
  • The player who owns the property can also build a house and charge higher rent for similar-colored buildings.
  • The cost of each structure is determined by the city in which it is located.
  • The players who own the property should construct residences in the same color scheme.

Community Chest and Chance

  • If a player lands on one of the locations, they can choose a card from the deck included with the business game and follow the instructions on it.
  • If the instructions on the card specify that, players can win money, lose money, or even be sent to jail.


  • When a player receives a card with the instructions "to be put to jail," the player is unable to play until the jail is released.
  • However, if they have made that much money, they can continue to collect rent, acquire property, and participate in auctions.
  • A player can end up in jail in one of two ways: by drawing a card from the Chance or Community Chest deck that says "to be sent to jail" or by rolling three doubles repeatedly.

Now, Here's How You Can Get Out of Jail:

When the player has his turn, roll a double.

  • You can make use of the "Get Out of Jail Free" card.
  • Pay the banker a fine of Rs 200 and you'll be able to make a new move on the next turn.
  • However, he will not be eligible for the Rs.1500/- prize.
  • Another common tactic used by experienced players is to not try to break out of jail; instead, they prefer to play the game from within the jail because they do not have to pay rent for other players' property.
  • They save all of their money and use it to purchase property, and they occasionally win the game with the most money and property.
  • However, this is only valid if they already possess a certain amount of properties.

Income Tax

When a player lands on this spot, he must pay the banker player Rs 200.

Club House

When a player arrives here, he or she must pay Rs 100 to the banker player to use it.

Rest House

Rest House players will not be able to roll the dice in the next round because, as the name implies, they will be granted rest.

What are the Rules of a Business Game?

The business board game rules are as follows.

 The Number of Participants: 2–4 players, with one of them acting as a banker.

Accessories for the Game are Required:

  • Board for the business board game.
  • Each player receives a token.
  • Bills of exchange. They can also make them by writing numbers on pieces of paper.
  • There are two dice.

When you have some time to kill or want to have fun, you can play the business game. Have you heard about a card game called Poker? It is a trending casino game that is played online for real money. Find out the difference between online poker and business games below.

Poker Vs Business Games

Poker is a card game that is played at casinos, which are social clubs. You now have the option of playing online poker. Indoor games are business games. You can also play online business games in India that are available on the internet. Is there a distinction between poker game and business games? Poker is a game where you can win real money. To demonstrate dominance, players play cards and wager money. It necessitates strategy, decision-making, planning, and skillful play. The sport has become a profession for some. Business games, on the other hand, are mostly played for entertainment.

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Business Game FAQs

How do you play the game business?

The business game is played on a board, tokens, dice, notes, and bills of exchange.

What is the income tax in the business game?

When a player lands on this spot, he must pay the banker player Rs 200.

What are the rules to play business game?

Each player would be given Rs 15,000/- when the game begins, and there will be a minimum of three to four players. Players will take turns rolling the dice, with the first player scoring a 12 being the first to move forward.

Is business a board game?

Yes. Business is a board game.

What is the another name of business game?

Business games are also known as economic simulation games and tycoon games.

How many houses are there in business game?

There are 32 houses in a business game.